Time is running short to get ready for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands — or so Blizzard would have you believe.
While there is no set timetable yet for Shadowlands’ pre-patch or official launch, the studio is giving its playerbase a heads-up that people might want to get certain activities done sooner rather than later. This includes claiming the Uncorrupted Voidwing dragon from Ny’alotha, grabbing rank 4 essences, and getting the huge Brutosaur mount. Blizzard also gave everyone notice that the PvP seasons will be changing their format with the pre-patch and that certain mounts would become much more difficult to attain in the future.
Blizzard also gave notice that a few US realm connections that were supposed to happen this week have been delayed “due to unforseen technical issues.”
Over in WoW Classic, the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj are about to open, and the events that will precede this momentous events will start on July 28th. Blizzard posted the details about how this complex event will take shape, so make sure you give it a read if you’re planning to participate.