As both Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online gradually resume normal operation following nearly two weeks of server instability, Standing Stone Games is trying to make it up to both the discontent and the patient.
On top of special gifts handed out to all players in both games, the studio is compensating VIP accounts with additional currency and playtime. LOTRO is handing out 250 LOTRO points and five more days of game time, while DDO is granting 150 DDO points and two days of additional time for both subscribers and lifetime memberships.
While some players seem content to take these gifts and let bygones be bygones, others remain rankled, saying that the compensation doesn’t equal the amount of time that the games were actually disrupted.
“Based on your own tweets, the issue [in LOTRO] was on going From July 15th to July 29th,” one player said. “Or least until July 23th where you decided it could run without chat. That’s five days extension for eight days of issues?”
“Wow, that’s really cheap of you,” another noted. “The last time the game was down, for fewer days, you gave a month extension. I’m really underwhelmed by your ‘appreciation’ of our loyalty.”