Valiance Online isn’t the only superhero MMORPG in full testing mode right now: Ship of Heroes is also rearing its head this week for a big new event where players will be fighting massive waves of AI enemies as devs scattered across the globe monitor the game’s performance.
“On Saturday we will have the first instance of our next public event: an alien invasion reminiscent of the massive invasions and task forces of City of Heroes,” Heroic Games says. “To prepare for this event, we’ve created a big battle simulator within Ship of Heroes to test and perfect a few elements for larger invasions and big battle situations. We call our simulated invasion Operation Valhalla, and we are using it to figure out how big a ‘big battle’ can be in Ship of Heroes.”
This’ll be a public event, with a goal to start with 30 volunteers and ramp up from there to see how it goes, across multiple days, though starting this Saturday.
“The bottom line is this: if we can make this work, Ship of Heroes will have one of the best big battle capabilities of any new MMORPG, and all of this fun will be available to new players. This is definitely not endgame content!”