It’s Hashashin day across much of the Black Desert universe, as the new toon is out and playable on both PC and mobile today.
PC players will be dipping back into the season world today as well with the launch of the autumn season server. “These servers are optimized for fast character growth and after classes have graduated (by hitting a certain level) they can be migrated to the regular servers,” Pearl Abyss and Kakao note. Get out there and grind those coco leaves, fam.“Hashashin is the 20th class to be added to the popular MMORPG and will be able to manipulate the power of sand with the power of the Valencian god Aal. A true dervish of the desert, Hashashin can evade his enemies via a skill that allows him to imbue the memory of a specific place in a sandstorm allowing him to instantly move to that place, given that he is not too far away. He can also create sandstorms to chase enemies or ambush them from above. As a native of the Valencian desert, the Hashashin travels slightly faster in this environment and is mildly resistant to diseases. He engages in melee combat with a Shamshir curved-sword as his main weapon and main skill, the Descent, is an area of effect attack where Hashashin jumps into the air and slams his Shamshir into the ground, sending out a ripple of sandstorms.”
Finally, today the studios made a promise: That the long-awaited O’dyllita is finally on the way. (Yes, we know sometimes Pearl Abyss has spelled it as O’dylitta too. Kakao’s post today calls it O’dyllita.) It was actually postponed way back in 2019, then teased again this past March, and then it hit the PC test server, which is how MOP’s Desert Oasis columnist Carlo was able to take a deep-dive into the zone back in June. Though he found it scary as heck, he also called it his favorite zone Pearl Abyss has ever built, and players will get to see why on October 7th when it finally launches here.