It’s all about the PC version of Black Desert in this week’s bundle of news and updates from the game, so if you’re a player of the MMORPG on the platform, there’s lots to dig in to.
First off, there’s an official launch date for the O’dyllita region: Wednesday, October 7th. There’s a video and some music showcasing the upcoming region that will be embedded below, and there’s some boosted drop rates being offered between now and October 7th such as double the Remnants of the Rift items from the Dark Rift and increased Specter’s Energy drop rates in Sherekhan Necropolis and the Sycraia Underwater Ruins to help players prepare for the crafting of Blackstar gear.
Speaking of events, there’s yet another bundle of them that arrived with the latest update, including events that ramp up earnings and offers rewards in the Red Battlefield, as well as other events that boost mount XP earnings, task players with hunting a Mischievous Raccoon, and find a Shiny Ring from certain world bosses. And as for the update, the Red Battlefield has gotten a makeover with the addition of the Garmoth’s Nest map, there’s some new items players can craft, and there are another round of class changes and bug fixes.
Finally, the devs offer a peek behind the scenes of the Ready Player One-inspired Mysteries of Summer event, discussing the variety of steps and design decisions taken in order to put the event together. It’s a pretty involved read, but for those who enjoyed the clue-chasing hunt, it might be worth a peek.