Yes, that headline has a lot of things broken up by a lot of commas, but it should effectively illustrate the number of things added to No Man’s Sky with the release of the Origins update, which has not added anything as unique as, say, a spaceship that’s also an organism but has added a whole bunch of new layers to existing base gameplay.
The universe of the game has expanded significantly with a number of new planets added, with promise of “millions of untouched new worlds to explore” according to the update’s landing page. Many of these new planets feature massive terrain features, while all planets will see new flora and curiosities, new fauna including giant insects, giant sand worms, and synthetic creatures, improved cloud and weather variety, and new natural features like marshes, volcanoes, lightning storms, meteor showers, and tornadoes.
Some planets will even house stranger things to discover such as infested flora and fauna, anomalous buildings, and gravitational anomalies. The update has also added colossal archive buildings to planets with data, treasure, and directions to long-forgotten ruins to discover, and black market NPC ships that will land on the surface and trade their wares.
In addition to all of these planetary-focused features, there’s more additions like new items to craft along with a streamlining of crafting materials for certain items, the ability to upgrade the class of the Multi-Tool, improved UI features for the Discovery menu, teleporter interface, and Mission Log, and the removal of portal interference.
These are just some of the major highlights, so it’s perhaps best to absorb the reams of new things waiting in the patch notes. There’s also a blog from Sean Murray about the update to read as well.