As I type this, I’m waiting on a video game to give me some daylight so I can snap a picture for another article you’ve probably already read. And while I wait, this Daily Grind topic occurred to me!
See, I’m usually a cheerleader for diurnal – day and night – cycles in video games. I think that as long as the night isn’t punitively dark, it’s usually a net positive for immersion in the games, especially sandboxes, whether they’re singleplayer or multiplayer. Plus, y’all know my penchant for in-game lighting, which just shows up better with a dark environment.
But I found myself really hating the night cycle this time because of the pointless waiting around I had to do. Granted, a screenshot isn’t gameplay, but some games do tie gameplay to the time of day – Lord of the Rings Online being the big one that comes immediately to mind. During my last visit into that MMO, I encountered quite a few quests that required me to stand around waiting on the clock before certain mobs would spawn.
What do you think – are day and night cycles a good or bad thing overall in MMOs?