There’s been an update to Wurm Online, and while it touches on a variety of things, some of the larger sections in the latest patch notes are tied to favor earnings and PvP adjustments.
On the subject of favor, this patch now allows for more regular casts of global ritual spells on smaller and less populated servers, while also keeping their frequency at reasonable levels on servers where they are cast more often. Incidentally, the base favor needed by a deity for players to cast a ritual spell has been “significantly” reduced, and pending favor is now added to current favor at a slightly faster rate to better compete with the new shorter sacrifice timer.
As for PvP, a change to shaker orbs has been reverted to ensure it can still be used to collapse entrances; the Defiance server has seen several changes to Roaming Depo; the Elevation and Defiance servers have seen an added sleep bonus to the first person that opens a rare chest spawn; and there have been a variety of Hota changes on the Defiance, Elevation, and Chaos servers. Finally, there’s been an increase of raid windows for deeds that are over 50 tiles long to eight hours.
These are only a few of the PvP-specific changes, so it’s in those players’ best interest to read the full notes for all the details, as well as to check out the Halloween festivities, which kick off on Wednesday.