Those Warhammer Online veterans who are missing their dearly departed MMORPG (the ones not playing on the Return of Reckoning rogue server, that is), have a new opportunity brewing that might help to soothe past wounds. Warhammer Odyssey, a mobile MMO being developed by Virtual Realms, is growing ever-closer to release on iOS and Android.
In fact, the studio released its first trailer that actually features gameplay, albeit only in the last few seconds. Most of the one-minute video highlights the classes that we know very well, but I have to say that the actual gameplay world should look strikingly familiar to anyone who played WAR back in the day.
Virtual Realms has also been pushing out the occasional developer diary on its website, including a look at the Archmage, the Engineer, the Warrior Priest, and some of the concept art that it’s working on to create the “old world” of Warhammer Fantasy.