Just in case you weren’t aware, this past Saturday, November 28th, was RSI day at Star Citizen’s Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, the in-game event that also doubles as a free fly demo and potential ship sales booster. And it certainly appears that ship sales have indeed been boosted by the debut of the RSI Perseus, a beefy new gunship that was unveiled during RSI day.
The Perseus itself wasn’t on the show floor and isn’t flyable yet, but it was part of the Holosuite section of the expo floor, giving players at least a look at the ship’s in-game model at a smaller scale level. The ship’s official page, meanwhile, provides more information about its features; the Persus can be crewed by as many as six players, and sports four massive manual turrets, four bow-mounted ballistic remote turrets, a torpedo bay that can store 20 torpedoes, and a cargo hold that can store vehicles up to an RSI Rover.
In true Star Citizen fashion, the fact that the Perseus isn’t flyable doesn’t mean it can’t be sold, and that’s just what’s happening, with a Warbond edition that includes lifetime insurance for $600, an “Ambush Pack” variant that includes lifetime insurance, the Perseus, and two Anvil Arrows for $700, or standalone versions of either at $675 and $780 respectively. And sales do indeed appear to be happening: A check of the game’s funding page, filtered for the 28th, shows a massive spike in crowdfunding, bringing the total for this ship to over $3M. Narrow things down to just the week and the IAE has been a crowdfunding driver, bringing the funding total for the period to over $4M.