I’m legitimately surprised this sort of game isn’t more of a thing, but here we are taking a look at a multiplayer dogfighting game that trades in silly things like military hardware or steampunk airships for dragons. That’s the kind of thing Century: Age of Ashes is offering potential players when it releases free-to-play in early access this February.
Century will be offering up three team-based gameplay modes: Carnage, a 6v6 team deathmatch mode that features power-ups to let players “unleash hell” on their opponents; Survival, a 6v6v6 mode where respawning is limited and can only be done when teammates rescue their friends; and Raid, a unique spin on CTF where two teams have to keep a flag and earn points by flying through special gates.
Naturally, this game is all about dragons, and players will have some options in that regard with three classes to choose from — the support-minded Windguard, stealthy Phantom, or aggressive Marauder — and a planned variety of cosmetics to let players dress up their dragon friends. Cosmetics can either be unlocked through play or purchased from the game store.
Century is eyeballing a year of early access, with plans to add new dragon rider classes, more maps, and other new features over the course of development. Before that, however, there is a closed beta test running this weekend between January 29th and 31st, with another one planned a couple of weeks after that. Those who are interested in adding their name to the limited testing pool are invited to request access on Steam. As for the final game, that will release free-to-play as well.