Guild Wars 2 artist’s portfolio shows apparent artwork of ArenaNet’s UE4 and mobile game projects


ArenaNet is the studio that makes Guild Wars 2, but readers will also know that the company’s had more than a few other game plans along the way, and now some recently discovered images give a glimpse into the what-could’ve-been (or what-still-might-be, depending on the rumors of the day).

The images in question come from the portfolio of former ArenaNet environment artist Meagon Glennon (she apparently left the studio this past week) and feature what appear to be some Guild Wars 2-style environments done in what looks like Unreal Engine 4 as well as some background artwork for what appears to be a mobile game set in the Guild Wars universe. That would jibe with our past reporting on the company’s work on a mobile title, a console title, and an unknown title, some of which clearly aren’t just the titles canceled back in 2019. While declares the two titles in the images dead, ArenaNet’s hiring page is still seeking devs for a UE4 game, so we wouldn’t count it out yet.

Glennon has since made her portfolio private, but you can still see the pics on

source: via Twitter
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