No matter what your level of stoic cynicism is these days, I think we can all agree that having the world vanish is a net loss for all of us. So vote for superheroes as world saviors in 2021 and keep the Earth from disappearing altogether!
These are the stakes for DC Universe Online’s April episode, World of Flashpoint. In it, heroes and villains alike are the very few “time-anchored” characters who can attempt to fight Professor Zoom and his world-ending paradox. The episode is also bringing in Flashpoint versions of Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and more.
“We’ve been leading up to the World of Flashpoint for some time now, starting back in Wonderverse, and finally the payoff is here,” said Lead Content Designer Rob Frazier. “I love how the episode spans the globe, bringing several stories from the comics together in new ways. That varied approach makes the whole feel bigger with higher stakes.”
Source: DC Universe Online