I will never forget that when I first started playing City of Heroes back in 2004, my guild an I didn’t last but a month or two. While I loved the idea of the game and spent hours obsessively planning out characters, in practice the game at launch was a slow, grindy, punishing mess, and it was not a super hard decision to move on to other games like WoW a few months later.
Of course, by the time Villains came out, and especially by the time of the Mission Architect, I had changed my mind: I got deeply reinvested in the game and was actively playing the summer the sunset was announced. And now, I’ve got another two years under my belt thanks to the rogue servers that cropped up in 2019. I still consider it a top-three MMORPG.
In other words, I dramatically changed my opinion about the game after a couple of years. I have a pretty good idea why, too, as the people working on the game shifted around and new mechanics and design philosophies emerged.
Are there MMOs you’ve dramatically changed your mind about? What finally made them click for you?