Like clockwork, the folks at Intrepid Studios have put together another Ashes of Creation development livestream that’s full of previews, updates, and other nuggets for fans of the developing PvP MMORPG. Jumping right into the good stuff, the stream shares a roughly eight minute-long gameplay video from a ruined mage’s keep, featuring a look at several new outfits, another look at the game’s hybrid combat, a big spooky ghost, and a brief glimpse at the new passive skills system.
One of the other larger portions of the stream was a flyover video of a tropical oasis area, which creative director Steven Sharif noted would be a prime location for AOC’s developing fishing system, which was quickly described as requiring players to consider what environments hold certain fish and a minigame aspect to catch said fish. There was also another round of concept art and completed art showcased, with outfits, furnishings, and barricades among other things.
Finally, the stream closed out with some Q&A, where the devs talked about the augment system and how it lets players augment primary archetype skills based on secondary archetypes or in-game organizations, elaborated on how the bounty hunter system works with multiple bounty hunters, talked briefly about how monster resistances wok, and discussed how the devs won’t necessarily try to overbalance sieges, focusing mainly on how siege buffs and siege equipment works and less on micromanaging individual groups’ gear, coordination, or size. More tournament-style PvP like arenas and GvG will be more character balance-focused.
The full video is embedded below; you’re going to want to leap ahead to the 1:39:50 mark to actually get to the devs talking about things.