The devs of survival title Life Beyond noticed that some rock surfaces had developed odd black spots on them. That means one of two things: either there’s a texturing bug occurring, or the rocks have become organisms that almost immediately got some sort of sickness from the second they achieved consciousness. In the game’s latest Imgur dev blog, the team talks about how it discovered and cleared up the problem (hint: it wasn’t a random bout of sentience).
As one might expect out of an Imgur post, the blog features a variety of images that walks readers through the process of discovering and fixing the bug in question, outlining each part of the process until the bug was discovered and the affected rocks returned to their happy sandy selves again. While the post itself isn’t really about updates or features, it does provide those who are curious about how game dev works a nicely guided tour of at least one of the processes.
For those who are curious just where these spotty rocks came from, Life Beyond is a SpatialOS survival MMO being developed by Darewise Entertainment. The game first came to our notice in 2019 when it was still called Project C, and has since been working on several updates to bring it into a more MMORPG-like experience including familiar controls and roles while also seeking to make a more positive game overall.