There are some bug fixes that have been applied to Shroud of the Avatar, which normally wouldn’t really be something that lands in our news rotation, but these recent patches are at least a little interesting or amusing. Ideally, anyway.
As of this past Sunday, July 4th, the game should now have less mount issues as “several” of them were fixed. Before that, a patch from this past Friday ended an error where the prices on certain crafter belts were extremely high, making a number of players extremely rich as the prices were “exploited massively.” Sadly for them, prices have been adjusted to more appropriate levels; no word on whether those who took advantage of the blunder are facing any action, though it’s presumed not since the patch notes don’t call out any redaction of earnings.
There aren’t too many other updates of note, unless you’re Justin, who will likely be pleased to know that the Two-Handed Sword of Elf Slaying now has better animations. The man sure does hate him some Elves, you see. Don’t worry, Justin, the Elf-Slaying sword is fixed now.