Just this morning we asked our readers what expectations they had for Amazon’s New World, and hopefully somewhere in that thread, someone asked for a solid beta. That’s certainly what Amazon is hoping for, as today it’s posted a recap of the plan for pre-launch event, now just a week away on July 20th and running through August 2nd.
“Players are eligible to participate in the Closed Beta through three methods: you can sign up for the chance to get into Closed Beta from this page or you can pre-order the game on either Amazon or Steam to secure access. We will randomly select participants from the tester sign-up page at regular intervals throughout Closed Beta. If you’ve signed up, be sure to check your email throughout the testing period to see if you receive an invite. Players who pre-order on Amazon by June 17 at 11:59PM PT (6:59AM UTC) will receive an invite on June 19. Pre-orders on Amazon after June 17 will receive an invite up to 48 hours after order confirmation.” [Editor’s note: They clearly meant July here, but as we are writing this, it says June.]
Notably, Amazon says the closed beta servers are located in North America, Europe, Australia, and Brazil; that there is no NDA and you can stream and record everything; and there will most definitely be a wipe before launch, so don’t get too comfy.