When it comes to most MMORPGs, there will very often be a build meta — a largely agreed upon “best” way to put together a class through very specific equipment choices, skill selections, and talents, and while all players of a game don’t have to follow these molds, the in-development MMORPG Into the Echo seeks to completely do away with the idea of cookie cutter characters and emphasize individuality, letting players specialize their character to focus on either combat, crafting and gathering, or puzzle solving.
“Whether you choose to master a craft, become a legendary code-breaker or actually fight for your faction – your contribution is vital to move the world forward. We are hard at work building systems to support huge PvP and PvE adventures and unique community challenges that require players with unique skills to solve and reward the entire community when completed.”
Into the Echo makes a lot about its worldbuilding approach, having written the game world’s history as far back as millions of years, while the game itself largely wants to have players with “diversity of purpose” that can come together to achieve goals or uncover the past of the game’s world. The devs of ETLOK Studios have lofty aspirations for Into the Echo as well, with hopes to make “an entire virtual universe that spans media platforms and can be a launching pad for next generation social interactions” and a game that stays for years or decades.
What we don’t have is any hard dates for testing phases, previews of gameplay, or anything close to a launch roadmap. What there is, however, is some concept art, an official website, a Discord, and a lot of dreams.