Panda, Panda, Panda! No, that’s not a remake of the film Tora! Tora! Tora! but with adorable fluffy bears; it’s the new name for the Days of Summer event in EverQuest II to more accurately reflect the fact that the event primarily features the Hua Mein and Yun Zi.
In this year’s event, players are being asked to help Mei Lan search for items that are symbolic of various Norrathian holidays. There are a number of goodies available for those who participate, and the promise of new adventures and goodies to earn every week, but the event is only open to subscribers. If that’s you, you have between now and Saturday, November 23rd to help some pandas, pandas, pandas.
In other EQ2 event news, the game is drumming up hype for its upcoming Visions of Vetrovia expansion with a prelude event for players to take part in, featuring three new repeatable tradeskill quests, four new adventure quests, three new collections, and event merchants with new items to grab. This event runs between now and the expansion’s release, which still has no set date yet.
Our next expansion, Visions of Vetrovia, is just around the corner and we need to make sure you're ready! Gear, experience, status, training, and research all are at the ready for you to earn over the next four weeks. Learn more here: https://t.co/eFfEIaEeuW pic.twitter.com/NFn3KbIsTB
— EverQuest II (@everquestii) September 21, 2021