If you have even a passing interest (or more!) in Lord of the Rings Online and haven’t yet snapped up the massive content giveaway that SSG has run for most of this year, then consider this your friendly heads-up: You’ve almost run out of time.
You have until November 30th to grab scads of free zone quest packs and purchase several of the expansions (through Mordor) for 99 LOTRO points each. I mean, it’s entirely possible that SSG will run this promotion again in the future, but why chance it?
And for those who have ventured into the latest expansion, Fate of Gundabad, Composer Bill Champagne has a new dev diary out discussing the music and the 47 motifs of this Dwarven journey.
“Composing the music for Fate of Gundabad was first and foremost a challenge of bringing together several past themes and integrating them with new themes, while also creating a gratifying experience that closes out the Legacy of Durin in a fitting manner,” he wrote.
Source: LOTRO