Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis fans looking forward to their next big thing can rest assured it’s going to hit before the holidays: It’s called Sandstorm Requiem, and SEGA is pumping it out next week on December 15th. The company is promising a new region, a level cap bump, new elemental techniques and class skills, world trials, a new title system, and gobs more.
“As Chapter 2 unfolds, Crawford will ask players to make a trip to Retem with Aina and Manon to join the ARKS in Retem City. Retem is a desert with sand dunes, rocky terrain, and canyons. Players will notice the weather and vegetation are vastly different from what they’re used to in Aelio. There’s so much to explore, but watch out for new enemies, Fortos Launcher, Fortos Laser: DOLLS, Lizentos: DOLLS, and Metius: DOLLS! All are equipped with heavy artillery and prove themselves to be formidable foes. The new field, Retem Region, awaits! The Sandstorm Requiem update will increase the level cap of all classes to 35 and every Class will gain a new Class Skill. Three Elemental Techniques will be added to the current Techniques; Wind, Light, and Dark will join Fire, Ice, and Lightning. […] World Trials are large-scale interruptive events that will occur on all Ships. Unlike normal Trials, they will occur over multiple Sectors for an extended period of time. For example, the objective of the World Trial: Stella Grace Recovery Operation is to collect as much of the Stellar Grace that appears in the Exploration Sectors as possible within the time limit to receive rewards!”
If you’d rather get festive, you’ll be waiting until December 22nd, when Central City prepares for Santa with its holiday event too.