Star Trek Online community podcast Priority One Podcast decides to wrap up after 535 episodes

yesterday's priseterprise

After 10 years and over 500 episodes, the Star Trek Online community is losing one of its biggest podcasts and a show that we counted among one of the best MMO podcasts. The Priority One Podcast, which has not only been covering the MMO but serving Trek fans overall, has decided to call it a wrap.

The finale broadcast didn’t provide any particularly in-depth reason for the podcast’s shutdown, simply indicating that it was time for the cast to be over.

“I realize this announcement may come as a surprise to most – if not all – of you. With so much going on in the Star Trek Multiverse, why would we stop covering the latest from our favorite franchise? I wish I could give you a simple and satisfying answer but, there isn’t. Behind the scenes, we’ve had long conversations about the future of the show, our goals, our hopes. In the end, we came to the conclusion that now was the best time to jump on our horses and ride off quietly into the sunset – leaving behind an incredible legacy of passion and love for an I.P. that has touched so many of our lives.”

That said, all of the podcast’s episodes will still be available on its website, and the show runners are asking their Patreon supporters if they would like to still see the After Hours podcast continue to run. Additionally, the podcast’s Armada group in STO will still be together, and livestreams of the game will still continue to run every Saturday night. We wish all of the hosts of Priority One the very best in whatever endeavors they take on next.

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