With the next major update for Path of Exile slated for early February and the end of the Scourge league in sight, a simple question comes to mind: Will the Scourge mechanics become a part of the core of Path of Exile? And the answer to that question is just as simple: No. The designers anticipated the question and already answered it, so if you enjoy the Scourge mechanics, you should get in more time with them now before they go away with the launch of patch 3.17.
General players response seems to be positive to this overall, with many players noting that the Scourge mechanics seemed underdeveloped or otherwise not properly managed. That having been said, some players are still asking for aspects of the league to stick around despite this. But the answer has already been given with brusque simplicity, so we recommend that you focus on enjoying the mechanics now if you’re a big fan.Source: Official Site