Last spring, Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends dazzled Star Wars fans with the introduction of the planet Bespin and Cloud City, but there was one key addition missing: housing. And that was a big deal, given that SWG’s housing is legendary in the MMO genre. Well, as of yesterday, that’s all changed, as the player-led dev team has finally gotten Bespin apartments out the door – or rather, you in the door of them.
“We are excited to announce that Bespin Player Apartments are being released in conjunction with our six year anniversary!” the devs write.
“You will receive a Bespin Housing Token through the /claim window upon logging in. These tokens are one per account and are No Trade Shared. These tokens can be redeemed by talking to the Bespin Architect NPC Odih Owela at /way 75 164. There is a NON-REFUNDABLE 25 million credit fee for a Housing License. […] Once a player has a license, they will be able to visit an Apartment Terminal. These are within the lobbies of apartment buildings. All apartment buildings can be filtered through the Planetary Map. There are 3 types of apartments: Square, Round and Tibanna. The apartment terminal will allow you to choose an apartment to rent. If you have packed up an apartment, you can a unpack it via the apartment terminal in the lobby.”
Yes, you can move the license between characters (for money), yes you can put vendors in apartments, and yes, apartments cost maintenance, and you do have to pay that money in advance, so it’s more like LOTRO than like the rest of the houses in SWG, though your apartment will merely be packed up if you miss a payment.
I ran around a bit this morning to snap pics of other people’s apartments and was surprised to see how quickly they were filling up. One neat touch: The windows in each apartment are real, so the direction you pick actually matters for your view.
The patch comes just as this rogue server is celebrating its six anniversary, so if you’ve got an account, you should at least log in and pick up your freebies; there are dispensers in Mos Eisley for the title and painting, as well as a one-per-account ITV that will take you directly to the Mos Eisley, Theed, Coronet, and Bespin cantinas. There’s also a double-experience event running through March 4th. Happy birthday!
With this latest restart, we have released our Six Year Anniversary Update to our Omega Server! You can read the full patch notes here: https://t.co/zBjf79vVrF! #SWGLegends #StarWarsGalaxies pic.twitter.com/7xTOHsXIYA
— SWG:Legends (@SWGLegendsStaff) February 28, 2022