With the weather around here vacillating between “balmy and welcoming” to “blizzard warning” on a daily basis, I know that spring is moving back into the neighborhood. Another clear tell is that Lord of the Rings Online is set to start its Spring Festival on Thursday and carry it all the way through April 5th.
“The Spring Festival ushers in warmer days and the start of the planting season, and players throughout Middle-earth can celebrate with rewards, quests, and more,” SSG posted. Fan site FibroJedi has a great guide to the event with all of the updated cosmetics and rewards.
Today’s Update 32.0.4 also added a barter in Gundabad that will “exchange a piece of Hiddenhoard class set armour for an equivalent piece designed for a different specialization.”
SSG said that players should expect to read the new quarter’s producer letter this week.
Source: LOTRO