While Dungeons and Dragons Online’s next expansion isn’t fully coming until June 8th, players can sample one important element of Isle of Dread right now. Pre-orders are up for the expansion as of today, and those who plunk down cash for it now can unlock the cat-like Tabaxi race and the Trailblazer iconic class to play today.
“Tabaxi are a base race that starts in Eberron,” SSG said. “Resembling great cats like jungle cats, Tabaxi are a dexterous race that are light on their feet. Their innate feat allows them to move quickly for a after spending a short time planning their next move. Tabaxi make good Rogues, Monks, and Bards.”
This all arrives with today’s Update 54, which also includes a host of class and skill adjustments as well as a change that will give players 20 whole hit points upon releasing from death instead of a measly one.
Isle of Dread will take players to a prehistoric island for new adventures and raise the level cap to 32.
Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!