A few weeks back, I read a thread on the MMORPG subreddit that posited people quit MMOs because they’re boring, and that trying to dig more deeply into the reasoning of quitters is therefore essentially pointless. Why do a kill-10-rats grind for meager amounts of personal satisfaction when you could go experience brand-new stories in a non-MMO?
I don’t really agree with the premise as the mere presence of people in MMOs usually adds a level of dynamism that is being overlooked here, but I do think there’s something to be said about boring MMOs and boring MMO content because… there’s a lot of it. And yes, I recognize that to a large extent, what you consider boring is down to taste. You might find spreadsheets in space boring. Maybe you just can’t tolerate a quest grind. And some people have literally fallen asleep on dungeon raids, and by some people, I mean me.
What’s the most boring type of content in MMOs?