Just about a month ago, Amazon’s New World teased the possibility of fresh start servers, with the devs saying they “hear you” and “think they’re cool too” and promising “more information in the coming weeks.” The coming weeks are now upon us, as the studio just dropped a blog post that announces those servers are en route on November 2nd.
“Conquer untouched territory, amass vast wealth, and forge new reputations when Fresh Start Worlds come to Aeternum on November 2,” the studio writes. “We’ve received a lot of requests for Fresh Start Worlds, so we are using the time between the Brimstone Sands release and the opening of these worlds to ensure you have a high quality, fresh start.” Brimstone Sands, for the record, is expected on October 18th.
Notably, Amazon is clarifying that by fresh start, it doesn’t just mean new servers; it means nobody will be transferring in with capped levels and a fat bank account.
“All coins, loot, and characters must originate in these servers. That means no powerful or rich Adventurers can transfer into any of the new worlds. A blank canvas complete with a revamped starting experience awaits. What will you claim?”
New World, which launched a year ago, lost the vast majority of its players over the course of that year but is currently in the midst of a sizable renaissance that prompted Amazon to open multiple new servers earlier this fall.