![elderscrollsonline-eso-03-Necrom 3](https://massivelyop.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/elderscrollsonline-eso-03-Necrom-3-1-696x229.jpg)
“Why is everyone so mean in this place?” It’s a fair question from Elder Scrolls Online art director CJ Grebb, but of course he’s talking about 2002’s Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and if you remember anything about landing in Seyda Neen fresh off the convict boat, you’ll understand exactly the sentiment as the Vvardenfell locals aren’t exactly impressed by you… at first.
Grebb is one of multiple ZeniMax Online Studios devs tapped for commentary in a new promotional video on the classic Elder Scrolls game, which just so happens to serve as the backdrop for the MMORPG’s Shadow over Morrowind arc and upcoming Necrom expanshampaign.
“In the video, the development and community teams look back at what made Morrowind so special, spotlighting the immersive world filled with giant mushroom towers and weird and wonderful beasts. The teams touch on feelings they had while first playing the game back in 2002 and all the new lore and secrets players can expect to uncover within Necrom.”
Whether you’ve played or never played, you’ll want to take a peek to really understand how weird and unusual Morrowind was when it launched – and honestly still is – which ought to provide a foundation for the tone to expect from Necrom later this spring.