Eliot’s column about World of Warcraft feeling like a dead mall struck a chord with our commenters, many of whom agreed with the feels – and were pretty sad about the situation. In the comments of that article, some players even offered suggestions for how Blizzard could salvage the game and make it once again an attractive hub for the millions of lapsed players who are no longer returning for each expansion.
It might be optimistic to think Blizzard even wants all those lapsed players back, but work with me here: I’m curious what folks think Blizzard could do to make World of Warcraft a place that all those former WoW fans actually want to play again since basic expansions and traditional slow interim content cadences just aren’t cutting it. Imagine you’re in charge of Blizzard: What would you do to make WoW more appealing to entice all those former WoW subbers to return – and stick around?