As exciting it’s been to hear that Amazon is working on a Middle-earth MMO again, some Lord of the Rings Online fans expressed concern that this would negatively impact their own online world. In response to these worries, Standing Stone Games issued a statement to tell everyone, essentially, not to fret and that the sky is not falling.
“During the past few days, we’ve received a number of notes from excited and concerned community members about a new MMO coming to the Tolkien-verse from Amazon Games. Some folks have asked what this means for LOTRO. We wanted to give everyone in the community an update and assure you all that LOTRO is not going away! Like you, we, and our partners at Middle-earth Enterprises are huge fans of LOTRO. It is beloved, it is sixteen, it is evergreen. LOTRO is like the long-lived Ents, Elves and Dwarves; and we mere mortals, are the stewards of LOTRO and its community. Standing Stone has every intention of growing and supporting this community. The road goes ever on…”
Speaking of going on, LOTRO ran another test of Update 36 on the Bullroarer server with a few additional tweaks. However, the studio decided to yank one feature — the PvP siege system — saying that it had “decided to wait” on sieges following the feedback from the first round of testing.
Over on the Brandywine server, the community is running a race event in the new Gwathrenost raid on May 27th. There are lots of rewards, including titles and LOTRO Points, for the winning team.
And finally, the sixth season for the legendary reward track began on Wednesday with a new batch of chase rewards:
Season 6 of the #lotro Reward Track starts today! It's on BR now.
What's new, you ask? Well, #lotrofamily let's take a look⤵️https://t.co/q0akZvZBPT pic.twitter.com/nMWdr8AfwR— Laurelinarien🎻 (@MinstrelbyNight) May 17, 2023