‘PvP tactical RPG’ Champions Tactics Grimoria Chronicles is Ubisoft’s next foray into blockchain gaming

You decide whether blockchain or that mouthful of a name is the worse crime


Do you remember when Ubisoft tried to force NFTs into Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and it ended in a massive bellyflop? Do you also remember when the company decided to tie NFTs into physical collectibles and we assumed that it had learned its lesson about forcing blockchain and gaming together? Well, as it turns out, we were wrong because here comes Ubisoft tossing its hat into the NFT and blockchain gaming ring again with the reveal of Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles.

The only information available about this game is the website’s blurb that calls it a “PVP tactical RPG experimental game on PC” in which players assemble a team of champions to take on others in tactical battles. No gameplay is shown, no screenshots are available, and the reveal trailer offers only dramatic CGI shots that pan over a presumably important book.

The game’s FAQ doesn’t even provide information about the title’s tokenomics, only explaining that it will be built on the Oasys blockchain, which is described as “a gaming-optimized and energy efficient” ecosystem; typically games of this sort iron out the blockchain and NFT portions first before even thinking of building a game, but Champions Tactics doesn’t even bother with a whitepaper. Even its Discord provides no information.

The title does have the aforementioned Discord, as well as a Twitter presence and newsletter signups, along with the promise of more information soon™, but for now it looks like Ubisoft is meekly going to try this noise again.

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