WRUP: Human readable edition


zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee zed ee arr oh zed ee arr oh oh enn ee oh enn ee oh enn ee

Bonus question: What’s your strongest case of buyer’s remorse for something other than a video game?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Weirdly, the game I’ve been looking forward to playing the most lately is Pokemon Sleep, probably because I’ve been so tired, ha… ha… ha. I’ll need it too, since I have a lot of walking games with events this weekend, oof. I’ll probably squeeze in some Splatoon 3 too so I can maybe, hopefully, finally have enough Run Speed Up chunks to customize my Scrap Jack’s main ability.

Not a video game, but my Oculus headset. I just didn’t get my money’s worth from how little I’ve used it over the years. Non-gaming related, choosing the sukiyaki over the wagyu steak at a remote Japanese inn. They both used wagyu, but the steak just ended up looking better to my brother and me. That choice still haunts me.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same as last week for me – I’ve been playing Garden Galaxy obsessively (thanks, Steam summer sale) and working through Mirkwood in Lord of the Rings Online. We’re about halfway done with that map now!

I really hate the color of my car, but it was too late to undo the error, so I’m still driving around a car with my least favorite color and have been for like 13 years because it turned out to be a really good car.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I think my continued focus will be Craftopia for the next good little while. Beyond that, I’m sort of hoping that finances are enough that I can snag myself a new racing game because I’ve had a craving for that sort of thing. All signs are pointing towards “no” on that front, however.

I have some buyer’s remorse for the iron skillets I’ve gotten for myself primarily because I am absolutely garbage at maintaining them correctly, apparently. Honestly, I’m just better off sticking to the lacquered cast iron stuff if I can. I don’t need cookware that has specific and extremely granular washing needs; I’ve got enough to deal with.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Time to clean things up after patch day in Final Fantasy XIV! Maybe see a movie. Maybe even sleep! Probably not that one, though, the nightmares make it unpleasant.

Odd though it might sound, the biggest buyer’s remorse I ever had was a hardcover copy of the Robotech RPG I bought before Palladium lost the license forever. Not because I thought it was going to be any good – I knew it wouldn’t. No, it’s because I bought it as part of a project that didn’t come to fruition, and now I’m left with a hardcover book that is too nicely made to pitch but not actually any good. Ah, well.

Tyler Edwards (blog): I’ve been working through my Steam sale purchases. Playing Blacktail at the moment. I’m digging the dark fairytale vibes.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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