Bonus question: What’s your strongest case of buyer’s remorse for something other than a video game?
​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Weirdly, the game I’ve been looking forward to playing the most lately is Pokemon Sleep, probably because I’ve been so tired, ha… ha… ha. I’ll need it too, since I have a lot of walking games with events this weekend, oof. I’ll probably squeeze in some Splatoon 3 too so I can maybe, hopefully, finally have enough Run Speed Up chunks to customize my Scrap Jack’s main ability.
Not a video game, but my Oculus headset. I just didn’t get my money’s worth from how little I’ve used it over the years. Non-gaming related, choosing the sukiyaki over the wagyu steak at a remote Japanese inn. They both used wagyu, but the steak just ended up looking better to my brother and me. That choice still haunts me.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Same as last week for me – I’ve been playing Garden Galaxy obsessively (thanks, Steam summer sale) and working through Mirkwood in Lord of the Rings Online. We’re about halfway done with that map now!
I really hate the color of my car, but it was too late to undo the error, so I’m still driving around a car with my least favorite color and have been for like 13 years because it turned out to be a really good car.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I think my continued focus will be Craftopia for the next good little while. Beyond that, I’m sort of hoping that finances are enough that I can snag myself a new racing game because I’ve had a craving for that sort of thing. All signs are pointing towards “no” on that front, however.
I have some buyer’s remorse for the iron skillets I’ve gotten for myself primarily because I am absolutely garbage at maintaining them correctly, apparently. Honestly, I’m just better off sticking to the lacquered cast iron stuff if I can. I don’t need cookware that has specific and extremely granular washing needs; I’ve got enough to deal with.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Time to clean things up after patch day in Final Fantasy XIV! Maybe see a movie. Maybe even sleep! Probably not that one, though, the nightmares make it unpleasant.
Odd though it might sound, the biggest buyer’s remorse I ever had was a hardcover copy of the Robotech RPG I bought before Palladium lost the license forever. Not because I thought it was going to be any good – I knew it wouldn’t. No, it’s because I bought it as part of a project that didn’t come to fruition, and now I’m left with a hardcover book that is too nicely made to pitch but not actually any good. Ah, well.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I’ve been working through my Steam sale purchases. Playing Blacktail at the moment. I’m digging the dark fairytale vibes.