World of Warcraft Classic fans best be readying their death shrouds because the hardcore realms officially open tonight at 6 p.m., meaning you barely have enough time to cram dinner in your mouth before you’re off to trying to survive bandits and murlocs.
Blizzard has a full recap of what to expect from this player-inspired but now finally official version of hardcore servers; they’re essentially permadeath servers. If you die, you’re dead on that server forever, your life on a hardcore realm cut short (until you reroll for another go). There’s no rez, and the studio has tamped down on most of the ways players had already come up with to cheese their way to the cap (or grief other players along the way), so don’t bother trying.
The upside to all this is that if your toon does die, you can port it over to a real WoW Classic server, so you at least won’t have lost your time – only your dignity.
May the best Hogger win!
#WoWClassic Hardcore is live now.
No Rezzes. No Regrets. pic.twitter.com/tbhvQeLJQi
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) August 24, 2023