Looking for a new MMORPG to play on your PlayStation console? Are you a subscriber to the PlayStation Plus service? Then you’re being directly served by Pearl Abyss, as Black Desert will make its $30 traveler edition completely free to own starting today, September 5th, at 12:00 p.m. EDT until Tuesday, October 3rd.
Players can snatch up this copy of the sandbox and fling themselves straight into the Land of the Morning Light if they choose, and the studio has even put together a handy guide for neophytes in order to navigate BDO’s design choices. Players will need to be a PS+ subscriber to log in to the game and play, but considering this offer is being given to subscribers of the service anyway, we suspect that’s likely not much of a roadblock.
In addition to the offer for PlayStation owners, the event that lets every player of BDO Console get a dream horse more easily is being extended until October 4th, so if you haven’t tied down one of these three normally hard-to-get horsies, your opportunity is being lengthened a bit longer.
In other BDO news, the PC version of the MMORPG will introduce a new sea-based threat in the form of the Margoria Pirate Fleet, a fleet of ghostly pirates that attack player vessels by… firing burning ghost ships at them that explode on impact. Those who successfully survive this unique form of assault will earn themselves a moss-covered map, a predecessor item needed to earn the ship skill-improving Ebenruth’s Nol item.