Stunlock Studios is once again using its latest dev blog to vaguely hint at what’s coming next for V Rising, which means we’re going to take a few moments to help you cut through the metric tons of fat. This is, after all, something we’ve done before.
The blog post talks up the creation of “unit families” – groups of foes that are classified together – while sprinkling in references to a new unit family, complete with concept art of succubi, feral claw-armed creatures, and one enemy with too many eyes and one very large axe, many of which will apparently bring unique attack mechanics.
This new set of foes is also apparently going to be an invading force to the world of V Rising, which means that player characters will have to take on waves of them in a new endgame-focused zone. Stunlock here references its attempts to “fulfill the fantasy of war,” create “an epic large-scale battle” for particularly powerful player vampires, introduce potential world events featuring assaults from these new foes, and insert zone capture contest mechanics in the new endgame zone for PvP-enabled servers.
Timing for these new features isn’t being tied down, but the post closes by noting that there will be “at least one more update on V Rising’s journey to 1.0.” Readers may remember that Stunlock suggested in an earlier dev blog that heading to 1.0 (aka leaving early access) would take a full year of development, so it’s highly likely that this next bit of alluded-to content is going to take some time to arrive. Which is also par for the game’s course.