Siege Camp’s upcoming sandbox MMORPG Anvil Empires continues flying unobtrusively under the radar as it soars through development, and its latest developer blog is all about… windmills.
OK, it sounds insignificant, but it’s actually a key component of keeping player-run settlements going and a marker for how complex the world’s design really is.
“In our last Devblog, we covered Seasons and Weather Events, which will be foundational systems that integrate with more gameplay over time as the project develops,” the studio says. “One piece of follow up content we have been working on to integrate with these systems is the Windmill. This will be the lowest barrier to entry structure that generates power for Workshops in Settlements. Other prior higher tier structures that generate power include the Animal Power Mill and Water Wheel.”
As currently designed, windmills will allow players to mount and rotate them to actually take advantage of the direction of the wind – because this is an MMORPG that has wind and directional wind and it actually matters.
The current model is one of multiple things being tested during the current “minor” pre-alpha, which kicked off on Wednesday and focuses on settlements specifically.