One of the big parts of Splatoon 3’s visual presentation is the use of bright, bold colors in terms of character customization and its hallmark ink shooting weapons, so to see those colors completely stripped away is likely pretty jarring for many fans. That’s the setting that players will find themselves in when the Side Order DLC goes live on Thursday, February 22nd.
“In Side Order, you play as Agent 8, a resident of Inkopolis who wakes up in a new ‘world of order,’ where the color spectrum goes from white to… a little less white to… kinda gray to… well, that’s pretty much it. What’s an Octoling to do? Figure out how to bring a little color back into the picture, that’s what!”
Side Order is a fully single-player piece of roguelike content for the otherwise team-based third-person shooter that focuses around climbing the multi-floor Spire of Order. Each floor of the Spire has different objectives that increase in difficulty the higher players go, and objectives change with every attempt. Along the way, players collect color chips that can be customized on a palette screen to confer temporary bonuses in the run, and while all color chips are lost upon death, they do get converted into currency that can be spent to apply permanent character improvements that might help in the next climb.
While Side Order is a single-player experience, the wider multiplayer action of Splatoon 3 will be getting more content with the start of the Fresh Season on March 1st, which introduces two new multiplayer battle arenas, one new stage for the co-op multiplayer Salmon Run activity, more weapon variants, and new items to use. Trailers for both Side Order and the Fresh Season can be seen below the break.