The non-stop JPEG party that is Pax Dei’s Discord continues on once again as developer Mainframe Industries is using the occasion of the one year anniversary of its announcement as cause to show off more in-game visuals.
The latest image gallery offers close looks at various items like tableware, crafting benches, a windmill, greybox versions of several new building pieces, and caves, along with a couple of previews of the MMORPG’s latest lighting tech pass and improvements to the transition between biome borders.
As for the aforementioned anniversary, that’s been marked in Discord and on Twitter with thanks to its community, pride in its development progress and the promise of more, an infographic that highlights Discord activity (instead of alpha test or game activity), and a giveaway for access to its second alpha test. As for when that test will be, that’s still unknown.
🎉Celebrating One Year since Pax Dei Announcement🎉
A message from our dev Team to our community to celebrate #PaxDei #Announcement #Anniversary pic.twitter.com/9ne0KyxrdA— Pax Dei (@PlayPaxDei) March 1, 2024