New World frustrates players with bleeped-out video on its secret June reveal

Salt meet wound


The long wait for New World’s big news continues as Summer Game Fest is now 25 days and change away, which means this week’s Eye on Aeternum could never make die-hard fans happy, in spite of its breakdown of the return of Rabbit’s Revenge event (with a creepy new reward) and the game’s three-week “community convergence” event, which essentially sounds like giveaways, Twitch drops, freebies, and influencer promotions. “Let’s have some fun this month as we all wait very, very patiently for the June dev update,” CM Leala jokes.

But it actually appears to have made the wait worse, as the back half of the video with the usually erudite New World live lead Katy Kaszynski not only has no info but pokes fun at the silence.

“We are ready to talk,” Kaszynski begins. “I think that it makes a lot of sense why we’re kind of keeping things under wraps right now, but I think I speak for myself and the rest of the team when I said that we are ready. We’re ready to let players know what we’ve been working on because we’re super stoked about it.”

But not now: She then lists off several things she’s excited about, which are then all bleeped out. The only hints left in mention the previously introduced sandworm and parts of Rise of Angry Earth. Players apparently didn’t appreciate being trolled, however lightly, and the YouTube replies are… let’s say zesty. In fact, Amazon has already effectively apologized.

“The intention of the interview was to poke fun at ourselves. However, the impact is clearly not what we aimed for. That’s on us. Next video we put out will be 100% focused on all of the things you want to hear. That said, we do hope everyone does recognize that while most of the interview is censored, the duration of the discussion was actually concerning the update. There’s a lot coming. And we all wish we could say more.”

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