Yesterday when Pearl Abyss was talking up Black Desert’s its 3,000-day milestone in the west, it brought up the Trial of Erethea and a big tasty ring accessory for players to look forward to. That trial — and the ring hiding within — are now accessible in this week’s patch for the MMORPG.
Described as “a faster variation of Erethea’s Limbo,” the Trial of Erethea can be accessed provided players meet minimum requirements and have a forgotten limbo seal item that drops in certain monster zones. Once inside, players can take on three different challenges in order to unlock a treasure vault, which is where items like the aforementioned Deboreka Ring accessory await, along with several enhancement materials.
On the topic of monster zones, several existing monster zones like Tungrad Ruins, City of the Dead, and the Crypt of Resting Thoughts have gotten some very specific adjustments that affect things like monster health, certain creature spawns or behaviors, and zone-wide effects. The patch has otherwise issued a single season character ticket to all players, added a new UI element that shows what reward players get from quest completion, and made a long list of bug fixes. More details on all of these updates are found in the patch notes.