Guild Wars 2 previews Janthir Wilds’ spears for Guardians, Rangers, and Necromancers


When ArenaNet told Guild Wars 2 fans that it would be expounding soon on how Janthir Wilds’ new land spears will work for different classes, it really meant it: Today, the studio has released another dev blog on the new spear mastery, specifically how it will function for Guardians, Rangers, and Necromancers.

Guardians will find their inspiration in how Kodan “spear bears” (!) rely on the sun with a focus on “supporting allies and debilitating enemies” primarily on the front lines. “By fulfilling specific conditions, certain spear skills will cause the following spear attack to be illuminated, which makes them stronger or grants them additional effects,” the studio says. “While you can only empower one skill at any given time, those skills can in turn grant the illuminated status to your next skill, allowing the Guardian to chain multiple illuminated skills together with precise positioning.”

Rangers, on the other hand, are using spears for stealth: “Ranger’s spear features a new type of autoattack that some of the other spears will utilize as well. When at range, you’ll throw a spear at your target, but when you move closer to your foe, you’ll transition into using a melee chain! This bimodal model will help you always keep up pressure.”

And for the Necromancers, their spear will actually function as a melee power damage weapon with “some disruptive elements, a bit of mobility, and some strong burst potential through cooldown resets.” Necro spear skills generate soul shards that are then built up to a max of six and then consumed by follow-up attacks.

Six profs left now!

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