Exemplar: “Good people of this settlement, I am Exemplar, your emperor!”
Costello: “Well I didn’t vote for you.”
Exemplar: “I – you don’t vote for the emperor!”
Costello: “Well then how’d you get the job?”
Exemplar: “Now see here, I simply paid for the founding of this empire using hexite from my personal treasury. That is the way in which empires are created!”
Costello: “I thought we were an autonomous collective.”
Exemplar: “Well you shouldn’t be! You should vote to become a part of my empire by voluntarily joining from your empire infrastructure research tab.”
Costello: “Didn’t you say you don’t vote for emperor?”
Exemplar: “You don’t, but I built my foundry to make an empire, I have claimed the land surrounding your settlement by placing watchtowers and maintain them using hexite capsules. You could become a glorious part of my new empire!”
Costello: “Supposing you maintain all of those watchtowers yourself?”
Exemplar: “For the moment! But you could -”
Costello: “Suspect you’d get tired over time.”
Exemplar: “Yes, it is difficult to maintain an empire by oneself, but with you as a part of the empire and paying proper tribute to the emperor -”
Costello: “If we don’t want to be a part of your empire, do we have to be?”
Exemplar: “Well… no.”
Costello: “Supposing we choose to become our own empire and siege your watchtowers?”
Exemplar: “I thought you were an autonomous collective!”
Costello: “Can be a lot of things, I suppose.”
exeunt all, reading larger notes