It’s been a while since we’ve peeked in on Ravendawn, the Tibia-inspired MMORPG that launched in January, which our Fight or Kite columnist Sam found to feature an inventive class system while still needing polish. And while the game has seen lots of patches in the intervening months, it’s due to get a sizeable injection of content in the very near future.
The Horizon’s Call major update (Tavernlight Games repeatedly calls it an expansion) is adding a whole slew of new things including new instanced PvP Aether Rifts and PvE Aether Echoes for players to delve, an augmenting stone system as well as Tier 7 items for late-game players, a 15v15 battleground for guilds to take part in, 1v1 or 2v2 dueling, and the new herbalism and alchemy professions.
On top of all of the new stuff, Horizon’s Call is making multiple adjustments and updates to existing gameplay and features, such as balance adjustments, the planned end of alts, fishing changes, improvements to the MMORPG’s grinding experience, client optimizations, and more storage options including backpack tabs and vaults.
In addition, the game’s Serafine and Angerhorn worlds will be merged on Tuesday, July 23rd, as a result of improved server tech that allows more players to come together and to encourage a thriving in-game economy and plenty of people to play with.
The Horizon’s Call update is big enough that a pre-patch is also scheduled for July 23rd; it will introduce the first portion of an updated aggro system, add a new Adventurer’s Board mechanic to help new or lapsed players catch up, and update the Ranger’s Company Board, on top of other fixes and optimizations. After that, there will be a PTR build for Horizon’s Call available on July 26th, while the update is scheduled to release on August 9th.