QuakeCon 2024: Elder Scrolls Online kicks off a free-play event through August 19


If you were watching the QuakeCon 2024 opening ceremonies last night, you got a bunch of Elder Scrolls love – including a new expansion mod for Skyrim, the last single-player TES game, which is older than my children, oh no. But would-be Elder Scrolls Online players are also in for a treat as ZeniMax Online Studios took the opportunity of the con to announce another free-play event for the MMORPG – and it’s a long one too.

“The QuakeCon 2024 Free Play Event kicks off today and will continue until Monday, August 19, 2024. Throughout the free play period, you can experience the vast world of Tamriel as well as the countless adventures that await at no cost on PC/Mac (The Elder Scrolls Online Store and Epic Games Store) and Xbox and PlayStation consoles. […] During the QuakeCon 2024 Free Play Event, you’ll gain access to the ESO base game, including four of the game’s classes (Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, and Dragonknight), 24 zones to explore, as well as ESO’s PvP game modes: Battlegrounds and the Alliance War.”

Even those who’ve already taken advantage of a past free-play event will be able to join in to “pick up right where you left off,” and new accounts score 500 cash shop points to spend right off the bat.

As MOP’s own Tamriel Infinium columnist Ben reminded me, ZOS has the base game and Gold Road on sale right now for $26 to $52 depending on your version.

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