While Star Citizen already talked about the two jump points that will link the Stanton system and the Pyro system together in a video, there’s apparently more that players were eager to know, and so those questions were plucked at and answered in a follow-up Q&A Star Citizen Live. About four weeks after the fact.
As one might anticipate, the answers offered a bit more granularity around the jump points system: The devs once again stress that they’re doing all they can to halt trolling and ganking opportunities, going through the jump tunnel will cost quantum fuel but players won’t be able to queue up if they don’t have enough, turbulence will be a thing and will be felt differently depending on the size of ship, and ship equipment is noted as a way to better find the previously discussed transient jump points that will spawn in-game in the future.
The Q&A didn’t really offer too much more beyond those highlights, but if you’re curious to get all of the minute details, the full stream awaits below along with the typical synopsis video from The Noobifier.