Corepunk delays beta wipe as combat overhaul is unfinished, talks up the PvP/PvE mode


Corepunk is back with another update aimed at the now-limited group of people who paid to access to ongoing beta while preorders were still live. And it’s good or bad news depending on your view, as the team has announced it’s putting off the planned progress wipe another week.

“[W]e know we’re announcing this at the last minute, as always, but we hoped to complete all the necessary work by September 16th,” Artificial Core says. “The delay is due to the fact that we haven’t finished several major improvements. For the past two months, we’ve been working intensively on the combat system and have practically completely redesigned it from a technical standpoint.”

The team also address efforts on the quest system, the new level 20 steppes biome, and duping exploits, before saying that “the next important stage for testing Corepunk will be the release of the PvP/PvE game mode with extraction mechanics,” which will fuel the economy.

“It will introduce the missing element that completes the logic of the entire itemization system. Since the mode involves full-loot extraction mechanics, we think that most players will want to use low-tier or low-grade items—or both—when visiting the instance. This will create the necessary secondary market for low- and mid-tier items in the game, which will have a very positive effect on the overall economy and trading between players. […] Soon, the entire game loop will converge into one big replayable system, and the PvP/PvE mode will play one of the key roles in this.”

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