Embers Adrift’s latest update revamps Redshore and character creation

Make like a tree and revamp.

Can you believe that October will mark two years since Embers Adrift first launched? It’s hard to believe, but it’s true, and there will be events… but for now, players can enjoy a meaty patch that revamps Redshore extensively. The zone is one of the biggest in the game in terms of playspace, but it didn’t have a great flow before now; the revamp re-arranges important locations, adds new points of interest, and overall should make the map just feel more fun to explore from top to bottom.

That’s not all that the patch contains, either. The character creation and select screen has also been overhauled, with subscribers getting extra character slots that really make use of the changes; in addition, there are new ground targeting decals to see where abilities will land. There’s even a new toggle to change how abilities go off, as the developers have heard from people unaccustomed to letting you swap targets mid-action and having the action take effect on your new target instead of your original target. Check out the full patch rundown for all the details.

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