In real life, astrology is the art of putting together a sequence of words that sound generically flattering and advise people to avoid doing things that are obviously bad ideas, but you put “Gemini” or “Virgo” in front of the paragraph. In Mabinogi, Astrology is a new magical skill that allows you to alter the fate you are currently experiencing. This is rather different, but it’s also different that the game gives you not simply an orb for pondering (standard fare for all wizards) but also a scythe because stars… reaping grass… mumble mumble Astrology.
You can check out all the details on what you can currently do with Battle Astrology on the official preview, but know that it’s not the full serving of the art just yet; Fate Astrology is due in the second part of the update coming in early 2025. Meanwhile, once you’ve enjoyed all the star fortune reaping you can take, enjoy the holiday message of thanks from the Mabinogi team in video form.